Well I'm back:) reason for absence has been a lot of work here at the Guest House. This work at the Guest Houses captures my entire mind, if it is going to be well done you have to give all your physical force in it yes! nothing less. But September is pretty quiet month for tourism in Iceland, so I was going to blog a little take som time off :) But when I was going to take some pictures to put on my blog I didn´t find my camera (Canon 400D) nowhere in my house or elsewhere. I turned all here at home up side down, No Camera - aarrrg :( I must have left it somewhere and someone has taken it, YES stolen My Camera...... I could have left it in the Car and do not lock the Car. I think it is the most likely explanation for this disappearance I am quite upset about this. I no longer have a camera that is just not acceptable ... Therefore I will hopefully soon buy me a new camera :-) Should I buy the sa...