In continuation of blogs 17.okt 1. Make a List Don’t ever go gift shopping without a list. Ever, ever. You will more than likely buy more than you intended. List the people for whom you’re buying, jot down a few gift ideas next to their name, and cross them off when their gift is purchased. Keep this list with you at all times. That way, it’s readily available when an unexpected gift idea pops into your head. 2. Set Limits on People This is a touchy subject. At what point do you stop buying presents for your extended family? Or is it an eternal tradition in your clan? Because Christmas isn’t about the gifts, at some point families need to just put a stop to the stuff. It’s definitely easier said than done in some families, because there inevitably will be a sister-in-law or a dad who doesn’t want to stop the gift exchange. If your family is like this, are you up for being the one to call a hiatus on the tradition? If so, here are a few ideas for broaching the subject ...