
Showing posts from 2011

The other side of White Christmas - Iceland 2011

Is it a dream ?

Merry Christmas - Gleðileg Jól !


Very Unusual Christmas wreaths

 Christmas wreaths that anyone can made... or what? Photos from Country Living Kristín K.

Shabby Chic Bedroom

Shabby Chic is a great decorating style. It’s certainly to create a romantic atmosphere in the bedroom.    The last two picture are from Have a wonderful dreams    Kristín K.

More Christmas Ideas

I like this beautiful christmas wreaths photos from   Got an idea ! I want to paint on fabric and make a cushion like this.    I like this monogram sooo beautiful.   photos from ... But then I have to find time to do it . Maybe before next Christmas :D Have a good night and God bless  Kristín K.

Give Love on Christmas Day

People making lists, buying special gifts, Taking time to be kind to one and all. It's that time of year when good friends are near, And you wish you could give more than just presents from a store. Why don't you give love on Christmas Day Even the man who has everything Would be so happy if you would bring him love on Christmas Day, No greater gift is there than love. People you don't know smile and nod hello, Everywhere there's an air of Christmas joy. It's that once of year when the world's sincere, And you'd like to find a way to show the things that words can't say. Why don't you give love on Christmas Day? The man on the street and the couple upstairs All need to know there's someone who cares. Give love on Christmas Day No greater gift is there than love. What the world needs is love Yes, the world needs more love. Why don't you give love on Christmas Day Every little child on Santa's knee Has room for your love underneath h...


Visit Houzz where you get lots of ideas - I like these beautiful blue color on the wall :)  eclectic dining room design by chicago media and blogs Lola B's eclectic dining room design by chicago media and blogs Lola B's eclectic dining room design by chicago media and blogs Lola B's eclectic dining room design by chicago media and blogs Lola B's Have a nice evening Krisín

Christmas in IKEA

I refer to this blog Greetings to you from Kristín

My Ideabooks

kristinketisl's ideabooks Houzz - Kitchen Remodel , Bathroom Remodel and More» Browse Kitchen Products on Houzz- For Example: Dish Racks  · Kitchen Sinks  · Kitchen Tile  · Cooktops  · Dishwashers  · Ovens  · Blenders And Food Processors  · Wine Racks  ·

National traditions

In Iceland, Christmas is very important and is celebrated everywhere in society; families, friends and colleagues make the season special by having Christmas parties, baking cookies and Laufabrauð, or leaf bread in English, and decorating their homes. The festive season starts in early December or the last years  late November,but the main day of celebration for Icelanders is Christmas Eve, December 24th. Icelandic Leaf bread / Laufabrauð God bless Kristin K.

Great Interior Designer

You know when one is bowsing online and find something cool, I was exactly  viewing  blogs yesterday and came across  this  Interior services and Great Designer Cathrine  . And here is her  W eblog Have a nice evening and God bless Kristín K.

My Dream Shop

My Wishlist on  I've always wanted to have a doll house , and here it is possible. This blanket is shouting at me Have a good  night  my friend and God bless  Kristín K.

Before Christmas

I feel Pottery Barns Stores absolute frenzy, their website is so full of Ideas I Could Spent hours there,  take a look   - Lots of Ideas See what a little red sock can do magic  ..... and white also sleds are always romantic, isn't it ? Enjoy the time before christmas God bless Kristín

Vintage Chic

Go to this page  where you can get lots of pretty pictures name

Traditional Christmas decorations

Yes I am already in  Christmas mood.  I don't know, I would not want to sleep in such a red bed like this :) But this is such a beautiful picture  to look at. Beautiful bottles but how do we cut the bottles? Here is a video how to cutting a bottles.  Seems very simple .Then we have to find a beautiful bottles like these , that could be difficult .

Nutritional Advice

Thorbjörg's Top 10: 1. Spare your body of all added sugars - both the visible, invisible and artificial 2. Eat wholegrain foods - the body cannot use refined products such as white flour. 3. Don't shy away from certain fats - the right fats have very good health and slimming benefits 4. Eat good quality protein 5. Eat legumes, nuts, seeds and grains everyday. 6. Eat your way to inner and outer beauty with at least 600 grams of organic vegetables, fruits and berries everyday. 7. Drink 1½ liters of water, pure vegetable and fruit juices, and green or herbal teas everday. If you simply must have coffee or alcohol, then have it enjoying the best quality, not quantity. 8. Eat regularly - never skip breakfast. Several small meals is the way forward. 9. Eat balanced meals with healthy fats, quality protein, "whole" carbohydrates and vegetables - and of course as organic as possible 10. In addition to following numbers 1 through 9, it's still a good idea ...

Ten Years Younger in Ten Weeks

Would you believe it ? If you want to live a better life ,then you have to read This Book  it teaching  you how to and why you have to EAT  healthier foot than you  EAT to day.  There are also very good food recipes. The author of this book is icelandic women Thorbjörg Hafsteinsdóttir living in Denmark . Here is her website Have a young and healthy day ;)


Always something new and fun in Zara HOME  - Soft linen Have a nice Friday Kristín :)


Well I'm back:) reason for absence has been a lot of work here at the Guest House. This work at the Guest Houses  captures  my entire  mind, if it is going to be well done you have to give all  your physical force in it yes! nothing less. But September is pretty quiet month for tourism in Iceland, so I was going to blog a little take som time off :) But  when I was going to take some  pictures to put on my blog I didn´t find my camera (Canon 400D) nowhere  in my house or elsewhere. I turned all here at home up side down, No Camera - aarrrg :(  I must have left it  somewhere and someone has taken it, YES stolen My Camera...... I could have left it in the Car and do not lock the Car. I think it is the most likely explanation for this disappearance I am quite upset about  this. I no longer have a camera that is just not acceptable ... Therefore I will hopefully soon buy me a new camera :-)  Should I buy the sa...