
Showing posts from November, 2009

Advent Wreath

I was not very happy with my Advent Wreath , when I saw hwo it came out on the  picture on my sunday blogpost, So  I decided to chance it ! To more White... I took a Snow spray and a organsa material and that´s it .....Drastic change is´n it ? I also began to wright on the christmas card to day that  I bought  from vistaprint and I am very pleased with the service they provide and all the choice of cards you can choose from it´s great ! It's A beautiful weather to day but cold .. Full Moon.... 5 - 6 hours of daylight  is in the winter time in Iceland .  So it´s very nice to sit in the warm houses and writing a christmascards ..   Have a good day and God bless.

My Home

Its Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas Everywhere In My Home Have a good day and God bless.

Prophecy Candle

Welcome to the first Sunday of Advent! I hope that your family is as excited as mine to begin our journey of expectation, hope and joy at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ! i will light the very first candle on my Advent wreath today--the Prophecy Candle. This candle represents not only the Biblical prophecies about Christ's birth, but the very feeling of anticipation which God's people experienced over hundreds of years as they awaited His coming.   Advent is a time when we can, in our own way, join the generations of God's children in awaiting our Messiah. Of course, Advent encompasses both the arrival of the Christ child and His second glorious coming which is yet to occur! Have a good day and God bless.


Visit Zara Home for tons of ideas to decorate your home this Christmas. Don't leave it to the last minute and start planning your Christmas look now. This is a new Idea to put a christmas tree in the bedroom  :-) Have a good day and God bless.

Table Set Nicely

Set the table nicely, do a little good food and light a candle it is for me that puts a little extra  in everyday life. Have a good day and God bless.


Who wants to have a fireplace adjoining the bathtub?, this is a bit much of the good for my taste, the bathtub takes to mutch room  but...  I think this is  cozy and elegance. Picture from >>> Have a good day and God bless.

Candle In The Dark



Make a Smilebox greeting Have a good day and God bless.


--> Creative Decorative Letter . you can put them together and make words! They are perfect for gift for either you or someone else!! --> This letters are very decorative and good for christmas gift... --> The Icelandic name for christmas is " JÓL" Have a good day and God bless.


--> As you know, who read my blog regularly , I've been creating wooden letters  lately , and I am hoping somone likes  them and  maybe  choose to  buy  them .  I tested to make larger letters  or high instead of the others were high . When I did this Big   M I had in mind Mothers  and I think that is a very Big role in live! Have a good day and God bless.

Made in Denmark

A rusty  old baking tin , I think they are very photogenic as is   The pictures are to die for!! I have not yet placed an order for this   magazine   but I will !

Kitchen and more Kitchen

I love browsing  for beautiful kitchen and bathrooms to see how people decorate their homes. I found these pictures online. This  picture  of Ikea kitchen is beautiful . I love Ikea ! Me and my husband are building a Guest houses for rental ,  here in the Country of south Iceland and they are all with Ikea cabinet .I will show you picture of it here on my blog later in this month.   . I like this  "french" - cabinet doors this is much like Ikea style. Gorgeous isle !   Have a good day and God bless.

Overcoming Self Doubt

I came across this side when I was browsing the internet and  I  thought I  would share it with you . Numbers of  interesting article and lore. See for yourself >>> Overcoming Self Doubt - Dropping Self Doubt and Fear of Making Mistakes Our self perception determines our behavior - if we think we are inadequate, we act that way. If we think we are splendid, we act that way. Have a good day and God bless.

TIME ~~~~~~~~~ TIME

Whatever or whoever you give time to, you give your attention to. Whatever gets your attention gets your energy.  Whatever gets your energy must grow. So what will you give your time to today - who will get your attention? What or who needs your attention? Is it a task, a process or a relationship? Or are you waiting for these things to give you time and attention?  A lot of my time I spend doing this ! As you see it is a wooden letters. I am selling them on my Etsy Shop Have a good day and God bless.


Very special  “Chandelier“ that I encountered in one furniture shop in the city for few weeks ago, this is easy to don´t think so ?.. you just wire  large  branches together  and  painted   white,  then you  wrapped the christmaslight around and even  decorate it more  ig you like so with red colors or? .. but I find it nice like so  ... cheap idea and unusual.  Mjög Sérstök ljósakróna  sem ég rakst á í einni húsgagna verslun í borginni fyrir nokkru  síðan,þetta geta flestir búið til ... Þú heldur ekki ? Jú ... Þú byrjar á því að mála greinarnar og vírar þær svo smekklega saman , síðan  vefur þú  fallegu  jólaljósaseríunni þinni utanum  og jafnvel  er fallegt að skreyta þetta meira eftir bara eftir  smekk hvers og eins, en mér finnst hún flott svona eins og hún er á myndinni .. Þetta er ódýr og óvenjuleg hugmynd og örugglega gaman að búa þetta til . Have a good...


It is getting chilly out there , so I think am going to go turn on my fireplace! I  love to watch fire. Psychologists say that watching a fire sets the human mind at rest. Traditional sweet recipes for you to try Homemade Christmas gingerbred - cookie -  Recipes Have a good day and God bless.